Rehab Centers Versus Sober Living Centers

There are major difference between drug rehab centers and Sober livings or homes. A proper drug and alcohol addiction treatment facility is crucial. The journey to sobriety can be fraught with a multitude of challenges, including relapse. Deciding whether a sober living (sober homes residence) or a drug rehabilitation center is appropriate for your situation can be tricky. There are several factors you should take into consideration, including therapies and programs offered. With over 14,000 treatment centers around the country, it is understandable that you may be confused as to the distinctions among them. To help you make the right choice, here are the key differences between drug rehabs and sober living (sober homes) residences.

What is a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center?

Drug rehab centers provide several key drug and alcohol addiction treatment areas. They should each apply evidence-based substance abuse treatment applications. These main area are determined by different factors for every individual. Evaluation by qualified addiction professionals will determine which rehabilitation is best for you. What are the areas drug rehabs provide substance abuce treatments:

  • residential
  • inpatient
  • intensive outpatient
  • alcohol detox
  • opiate detox

However, similar to a sober homes San Diego center, rehab is abstinence-based. Addiction treatment centers provide round-the-clock care and approach treatment using a variety of philosophies, which may include a faith-based foundation, 12-step program, or holistic methodology. In addition, it is common for a rehab center to implement psychotherapy as a component in the treatment process. Other facilities utilize group or community practices.

Drug Rehabs Escondido and San Diego, California Provides Structure

Structure and routine are only a couple things you get with our many options at drug rehabs Escondido, California addiction treatment centers. During one’s stay at our drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers the staff will plan out each day for the clients. We incorporate customized therapies for the individual’s specific needs. Although a sober living center is very comparable to rehab, the sober living center relies less on the staff for arranging one’s daily schedule and makes it more of a responsibility of the client.

If a medically-guided alcohol or opiate detox is necessary, some rehab centers can provide the appropriate medications used to detox. this is known as medication assisted treatment (MAT). They stabilize and maintain those experiencing substance abuse. Other required medications are dispensed throughout one’s stay in residential inpatient, intensive outpatient, alcohol detox and opiate detox.


What is a Sober Living or Sober Homes Recovery Residence Center?

While a sober living center (sober homes) offers addiction treatment with less supervision than that of residential, inpatient, IOP, and intensive outpatient addiction treatment centers.  Drug and alcohol rehabilitation is designed for those who have a lower risk of relapse or who have completed inpatient treatment. While considering transition program, a sober living center, may allow the patient to continue working or attend school, while still engaging in an addiction treatment program. Depending on the level of treatment needed, clients may also continue to participate in activities or attend group, individual therapy, family counseling or other support groups.

While both rehab and sober living are designed to help the client get and stay sober and transition back into society, the reality is there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing relapse from addiction. Even with the most dedicated teams, therapies and treatments, relapse does occur. Although the future cannot be laid out, beginning one’s journey to sobriety is a strong sign the patient is ready to commit to a healthier, happier life without the weight of addiction.

Try California Drug Rehabs in San Diego Before Sober Livings


Attending the best drug rehabs Escondido, California addiction treatment centers before a sober living is the best choice. In order for sober homes can be effective you need a solid foundation to fight addiction. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation provides tools and proven techniques for long-term sobriety. Treating the underlying co-occurring disorders is a critical piece. In addiction, having proven evidence based relapse prevention skill will increase the changes of  drug and alcohol addiction recovery.

If you or someone you love is struggling with drugs or alcohol abuse, it is essential that you obtain information on the different types of treatment available before deciding on which is appropriate. Harmony Grove Recovery provides assessment tools that can help determine whether inpatient rehab or a sober living arrangement is best suited for the patient’s situation. Feel free to reach out to us at (760) 697-0497 and talk with one of our addiction specialists.

About Nora Jenkins

CEO Harmony Grove Recovery inpatient drug rehabs San Diego, California. One of the best alcohol detox centers in San Diego, and Escondido, CA. Residential and intensive outpatient care.