Warning Signs Of An Addictive Personality

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With such a fine line between habit and addiction, it seems many of us struggle to tell the difference between the two. Addiction can be destructive and can take priority over aspects of life that most would consider important such as relationships, careers, and even health.

Those with an addictive personality may find themselves slipping into addiction easier than those who don’t. If you can identify whether you’re more prone to addiction than the average person, and learn the warning external signs, you can take precautionary measures to work on your potential addictions before they become a bigger problem down the road.

Addictive Personality

Inability to Control Impulsive Behavior

If you’re a thrill seeker and often find yourself acting on a whim, then you may have an addictive personality. Succumbing to impulse can provide a feeling of pleasure, and high-risk activities such as gambling, compulsive shopping, and disordered eating can often do just that. But with pleasure, there can often come guilt—especially when one is aware of the negative side of these behaviors.

This creates an unhealthy cycle that could result in remorse and other risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse. This once impulsive behavior could advance into compulsive behavior, meaning repetitive and ritualistic, which can be more challenging to break out of.


Weak Commitment to Values and Goals

Having an addictive personality can often consume your time and lead you away from personal goals. Once important values and passions may become meaningless or less-important, as they are replaced by new, ritualistic, and often unhealthy obsessions.

If not addressed, a lack of commitment can have a detrimental effect on important life goals, and halt progression in life, career, and finances. If you find that your focus begins to shift from one goal to another, evaluate the cause of the shift and make a real decision about whether this new interest will provide benefit long-term, or if it is just fuel to your addiction.


Stress, Anxiety, and Negative Self Worth

Addictive traits can cause stress and anxiety. This may be due to personal regret, worry, or disappointment from others who are concerned about you. A feeling of not being good enough can be a sign that you are suffering from an mental health disorder. A negative self-image can cause depression and mood swings.

If you find that you get stressed or anxious easily, you may indeed have an addictive personality and it would be wise to seek professional help to avoid slipping into bad habits.


Lack of Socializing

Those with an addiction are often lonely or feel secluded. Obsessive behavior often draws focus to and takes up time, which can replace time that was once spent socializing with friends. Addictions are often kept secret, and with this lack of communication comes the breakdown of relationships. Addiction can consume your personality and life and create someone that is a shell of their former self.

Recognizing the signs of an addict and can help to prevent addictions before they even begin. With the help of a professional, you can swing your detrimental addictive traits into something healthy. Contact Harmony Grove to find out more about our facilities and our expert care services for alcohol recovery and drug addiction recovery.

About Nora Jenkins

CEO Harmony Grove Recovery inpatient drug rehabs San Diego, California. One of the best alcohol detox centers in San Diego, and Escondido, CA. Residential and intensive outpatient care.