Best outpatient rehab San Diego options can be difficult to find. There are many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Southern California. However, there are only a few that provide the best substance abuse care that achieves long-term recovery. Let’s learn about what separates the good from the bad.
Best Outpatient Rehab San Diego Criteria
The best outpatient rehab Sab Diego options would not be complete without the IOP program. This is one of the most flexible drug and alcohol addiction treatment options. during this critical process you should meet three times a week for 8-12 weeks. However, sometimes individuals need to be in longer until they are ready to transition. The times offered by the best rehabilitation centers in San Diego should also be flexible.
There are some criteria to look for when finding the best rehab San Diego rehabilitation centers. These are the key areas that separate the poor centers from the ones that offer the best care. While these are only a few differences, there are many more.
- Are the groups run by credentialed substance abuse counselors?
- Does the IOP drug rehab San Diego program also provide one on one counseling?
- Do the have good Google reviews?
These are just a few areas that need to be carefully looked at and considered. While this program is flexible it comes with a great amount of responsibility. This goes beyond randomly being tested for drug use. For any drug and alcohol addiction treatment program to work, you have to want it. Not only want it but invest yourself 100%. This is usually the different between long-term recovery and relapse.
How our Outpatient Rehab San Diego Differs from the Rest?
Our outpatient rehab San Diego addiction treatment centers substance abuse professionals make us the best. From the first day you know you made the best choice. The qualified professionals at all our rehabilitation facilities provide the tools you need for recovery. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers also work with the best drug rehabs in West Palm Beach. By working with other rehabilitation centers in the United States we are able to provide the best of care fro San Diego to West Palm Beach.
The first step is the most important. Here you will be evaluated, and a detailed treatment plan will be outlined. This is the first roadmap to your success. As your treatment progresses the treatment plan usually changes. Therefore, our staff is continuously re-evaluating the plan.
The IOP drug rehab San Diego option allows for you to get addiction treatment and continue to work. It also allows time to go back to school or spend time with loved ones. Most of this rehabilitation is done in a group setting. During these important group sessions, you will get the following things.
- Substance abuse treatment education
- A toolbox of invaluable relapse prevention strategies
- A clear understanding of co-dependency
- 12-step teachings like Alcoholics Anonymous
- Important family group sessions
Our outpatient rehab San Diego drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers understand that with addiction there is trauma. this is usually a co-occurring disorder that is at the center of the addiction. These are brought to light during your initial evaluation as our staff is trained to look for co-occurring disorders. If you want the best rehabilitation center in southern California, rest assured we strive to provide the highest level of care.
What are Some of the Outpatient Drug Rehab San Diego Treatment Components?
The intensive outpatient or IOP level of care will not be a good fit for everyone. A outpatient rehab San Diego recommendation comes after a careful evaluation by our professional staff. This level of substance abuse care is usually for those with a mild case of substance abuse or people with some education and training on substance abuse.
- Individual one on one counseling – Individual counseling by our credentialed substance abuse counselors is critical. It is here where the work of co-occurring disorders is done. Our credentialed staff has experience with trauma, abuse, anxiety, bi-polar disorders and more. These are what is triggering the addiction. If these are not treated the chances for long-term recovery are drastically reduced. during these confidential sessions you will not be judged in any way. In fact, this is where our staff finds out how to best guide you down the path of long-term recovery.
- 12-step group counseling – This is the biggest component of any IOP addiction treatment program. It is critical to know what the age groups are of people attending these sessions. ITs statistically proven that for this program to be successful the groups need to have things in common. Age is a huge factor. So, if you are 25 and the treatment centers specializes in adults 30-50 this group is probably not going to be the best fit. This is because for groups to work everyone must share the common experiences and struggles of drug addiction.
- Educational Teachings – These play an important role in the recovery process. It is from these teachings that you get outside yourself and learn how and why you struggled with addiction. You also learn relapse prevention techniques that will stay with you for the rest of your life. You will also learn how drug and alcohol addiction affect the body and change its’ chemistry.
- 12-step Philosophy – The 12-steps plays a big role for many with drug and alcohol addiction. However, programs like alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous are not for everyone. One of the most notable AA programs is 90 meetings in 90 days. Newcomers are encouraged to strive to accomplish this feat. While at our outpatient rehab San Diego facilities we help guide you into Alcoholics Anonymous or any program you wish to follow.
What Should I Expect During Substance Abuse Treatment?
After enrolling in our outpatient rehab San Diego program you become part of our family. We will always be there for you in your time of need. Our staff get attached and strive for you to achieve long-term recovery. You can see this for yourself with our many Google reviews. That is why we said our staff separates us from the poor drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers.
When attending our drug rehabs San Diego addiction treatment program, you will get all of the above and much more. Our highly qualified staff is vested in seeing you achieve all of your recovery goals. They take a personal interest to make you mentally and physically healthy again. They have the education, tools and experience to reengage you with your life. There are many things that drug and alcohol addiction has separated you from that you may not be aware of. Our intensive outpatient addiction treatment program will’
- provide the best individualized counseling
- complete psychiatric profile addressing co-occurring disorder
- a detailed treatment plan
- the best case management to keep your treatment plan on track
While the #1 goal is long-term recovery there are other aspects that we help obtain during the IOP program. Drug and alcohol addiction has changed many aspects of you as an individual. This program brings them back into light and forces you to rebuild them. some of these include;
- behavioral changes
- 12-step inauguration
- everyday live problems like where to live, work, and problems with the law
- starting a support system with others that can help you stay clean
- re-wiring the brain for common problem solving
What Happens After Finishing a Rehabilitation Program?
After finishing any program including drug rehabs Wet Palm Beach options you recovery journey is not over. Completing the outpatient rehab San Diego program is life accomplishment. You now have what you need to achieve long-term recovery. You also have in your time of need your Harmony Grove Recovery family to lean on. Before you last session you will meet and discuss you treatment plan. Below are some of the common areas that our client s have gone ofter the IOP substance abuse program.
- outpatient program meeting 1 to times a month
- a monthly meeting with a credentialed substance abuse counselor
- Harmony Grove Recovery drug rehab San Diego alumni participation
- local Alcoholics anonymous meetings
- our substance abuse tele health program
- getting GED or vocational training
- family therapy with a counselor or psychologist
The above are a few ways that our past family members are seen. Yours could be difference, as addiction is different for everyone. You now have the tools for you life long battle with addiction. Happiness is right in front of you. Live and love your life again by staying motivated and engaged in your recovery.
Harmony’s Outpatient Rehab San Diego Does More than Educate
The outpatient rehab San Diego team love to hear success stories. We have clearly explained why we are one of the best California drug rehabs and hope you find this information useful. Finding the right drug and alcohol addiction treatment center is a very important decision. This time is now to make that first step, and them leave the rest to us.
Fighting substance abuse on your own is a losing battle. The best way to get out of its’ grip is professional help. You do not have the education or skills you need for this battle. Give our experienced drug rehabs San Diego professionals a call at (760) 697-0497. We can get you into long-term recovery and get your life and healthy relationships back.