HGR drug rehabs Escondido teach about Codependency and enabling for a couple of good reasons. This is a big part about addiction. Substance abuse rehabilitation must include these in their protocols for several good reasons. In this article we will discus why our drug rehabs Escondido, Riverside, Temecula, Murrietta, Los Angeles and Orange County address this area, All of our California addiction treatment centers clients get educated on this information.
What Does Codependency Mean with Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers clients get well educated on codependency. So, what is codependency? This is when someone in a relationship, whether romantic or not, has incredibly high physical or emotional needs that must be addressed. That person is said to be codependent.
The other person in the relationship, referred to as the co-dependent, will spend the majority of their time attending to the demanding requirements of their loved one. The codependent partner’s social life, other connections with family and friends, activities, and overall quality of life might frequently suffer as a result of this cycle.
Codependency frequently causes a person to struggle with spiraling or displaying damaging habits. Our drug rehabs Riverside staff have compiled some of the common signs of codependency. Here are some common signs of codependency:
- feeling obligated to address the issues of others.
- offering unwanted advice
- difficulty communicating feelings based around wants and needs
- expectations of others to do exactly what you want
- anger
- sadness
- feeling used and unappreciated
- guilt
And many more. The idea of being codependent is essentially being so unsure of your own emotions or feelings that you heavily rely on others to help you either figure it out or tell you how to feel. You have a strong disconnect in being able to display or communicate or even understand your own emotions.
Drug Rehabs Escondido explains, “What is Enabling with Drug Rehab and Alcohol Addiction?”
HGR drug rehabs Escondido, California tackles substance abuse at their inpatient and IOP addiction treatment centers. One area is enabling. Many of our addiction treatment centers clients enabled their friends and family. At substance abuse rehabilitation centers they realize what and how they have enabled. This also helps them rebuild those broken relationships.
So, what is enabling? Enabling is seen as someone that is allowing someone else’s behaviors or helping them rather than that individual either facing consequences or having to solve a problem or an issue on their own. Both behaviors combined can have a very detrimental and deadly effect when you speak about addiction. The act of enabling and codependency is seen as one of the utmost profound reasons individuals either relapse or never manage their addiction properly. So, what are common signs of enabling?
- Allowing or ignoring obvious problematic behavior
- Providing some sort of financial assistance or completing supporting someone
- Constantly making excuses for someone or even encouraging certain behaviors
- Doing more than you should for someone or than what is right
- Avoiding or acting as if issues are not present in the environment
- Making issues appear to be less problematic than they really are
- Flat out denying that someone or even you have any issues at all
Again, with enabling this is just a few of many different types of signs or patterns you will begin to notice if you or someone else is enabling. A majority of codependent relationships are often manipulative and one sided. What that means is usually the person in active addiction will manipulate those around them into getting whatever they need, whether it’s drugs, alcohol, money, food, etc.
HGR Drug Rehabs San Diego Discusses Codependency and Enabling
Our drug rehabs San Diego, California centers talks candidly about codependency and enabling. Many times, in the world and journey of recovery these two words tend to have a very negative or hurtful connotation. In reality the majority of codependency and enabling almost always manifest from good intentions. Oftentimes it’s the close family members and friends that are scrutinized in the way they deal with or interact with someone who abuses any substance whether it’s drugs or alcohol.
Especially for those individuals who have never had a friend or a loved one who struggles with addiction you would never be able to fully grasp the depth of emotions that surrounds that person.
For example, you have family members that will sell their house, not eat because they are giving money to a loved one, constantly argue and take over responsibilities they shouldn’t have. This is often because of the amount of care and love they have for their family member who is addicted. Oftentimes it’s said in recovery usually the loved ones that surround the person in active addiction are just as sick as the person in addiction. This all stems from the unhealthy pattern of codependency and addiction.
HGR Drug Rehabs San Diego Talks About Breaking the Cycle of codependency and Enabling
Our credentialed drug rehabs San Diego addiction treatment centers staff know they must break the cycle. It’s important to notate that this pattern usually can not last forever. The person or persons being manipulated will eventually grow tired of this behavior even growing resentful for putting this person’s needs above their own. So, you will often see a very unhealthy family dynamic within a relationship, family member, or friend but the biggest question is how to break the cycle?
These behaviors that have developed over a long or even short period of time are undoubtedly some of the most strenuous behaviors to change.
In most cases of human nature if you have someone that is handing you everything you need in life it will give you less of a desire to try and do things on your own and that’s where it becomes easy to be codependent. Think about it in this way, would you have the drive to go to work every day if someone was depositing money into your account for no reason other than they love you? The answer most people would agree to would be no. So, in recovery this is important because a big part of being successful in maintaining sobriety is to have integrity and the ability to be able to manage yourself in any situation.
Why Do People Continue to Enable Someone?
HGR Drug Rehabs Escondido has pondered this question for a long-time. So, “Why do people continue to enable someone or allow themselves to be so codependent with that person?” Well, the answer most of the time is because it’s the easiest solution.
Innate human nature is to take the path of least resistance which includes avoiding confrontation and allowing someone to have whatever you feel makes them happy. No one wants to see a loved one suffering and oftentimes someone in recovery will capitalize on this and manipulate the situation.
The bigger reason and probably the most prevalent reason people allow this behavior is because they are just completely unknowing or unsure how to break the cycle. These mentalities along with many other emotions and behaviors are all learned and can be unlearned or at the minimum improved upon. Sometimes the biggest hurdle will be getting not only the person in active recovery but the enabler or codependent individual to agree to getting help or changing.
HGR Drug Rehabs Murrietta Explains, “Why Boundaries Are Important in Drug and Alcohol Addiction?”
Here HGR Drug Rehabs Murrietta, California explains boundaries as they pertain the substance abuse rehabilitation. This is extremely important because in recovery you need to have very clear and concise boundaries with someone in recovery if they are to become successful and remain successful and sober. Oftentimes health boundaries are overlooked in recovery, furthermore some individuals have no understanding what it means to have health boundaries.
What are considered healthy boundaries? Healthy boundaries involve the ability to stand your ground despite disagreement from others and to feel confident expressing emotions in a calm, forceful manner. Maintaining personal principles, being authentic, and refusing to conform to social expectations are all examples of healthy boundaries. If you are not able to maintain healthy boundaries with your loved one in the recovery process, there is a much a higher chance of inevitably relapsing or doing more damage. This is because when in active recovery it is instilled that in order to be successful you need to be able to be independent, motivated and hardworking.
HGR Drug Rehabs Escondido, California Can Help Now
HGR drug rehabs Escondido, California is open and uses evidence-based strategies at their drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers. Addressing codependency and enabling is one of the biggest factors in addiction. Active addiction is something that many people who have not been through it would never understand. It is a constant mental and physical urge to use any substance to either balance or to feel comfortable in their own skin. When you begin to enable or allow codependent behavior you are never giving that person the ability to be able to learn for themselves and the ability to be able to manage themselves in all aspects of life.
A big part of it is that allowing these behaviors will only hurt and hinder someone’s ability to fully recover. If you begin to notice the signs of any of these behaviors, it’s time to not only acknowledge that it is happening but seek out professional help. Like stated earlier in the passage these are all LEARNED behaviors that can be UNLEARNED with structured therapy and professionals who are not only licensed but qualified in being able to effectively get you and your loved ones back on track and to a healthier relationship.
HGR drug rehabs has centers across California in cities like Escondido, San Diego, Riverside, Temecula, Murrieta, Los Angeles, and Orange County. We accept most health insurances! The best part is we can get you in today. There is no reason to to call us now at 760-697-0497. We can help you get your life and relationships back to happy and healthy. Call our drug rehabs Escondido center now!